Meet the FOunder

The Sexual Essentials

My purpose in life is to help you figure out how to go from daydreaming about your sex life & transform into living it. My name is Samia, a graduate of the Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University & the creator of Sexual Essentials. 

Sexual Essentials was created to take an unconventional approach to sexual education, by offering hands on sex workshops such as the infamous #MouthMasterclass #DickRiding101 & the Sex Conditioning Workout. These workshops are centered around building confidence in a bold yet respectable way where anyone can feel comfortable because we are a tribe & a 100% judgement free zone.

Far too often life is comprised of moments where we bite our tongues out of fear of judgement or not wanting to hurt someones feelings. Our truth doesn’t have to hurt others, our truth is simply that, what we need to truthfully be fulfilled in this thing called life which my friends is EVERY single day. My goal is to help you obtain the sex life that you want for the rest of your life. 

So many of us have an idea of what we want but we have no idea how to give it, describe it, learn it or find it! It’s all just a rubber-band ball of thoughts and the bigger it gets the less attainable it seems. Let’s simply start with the truth: It is not your fault that you have not been properly educated on how to find pleasure by yourself or with another. It is not your fault that porn, love scenes from movies and BET uncut is all that you have been given to create some sort of pleasure. It is NOT your fault. It is however your responsibility to acknowledge that you have not studied pleasure & that yourself & the partners of your choice deserve a fighting chance to create pleasure in ways that you had no idea were even imaginable. 

Sexual Essentials is not just about giving you the words and encouragement its about giving you the skills & the resources to create whatever it is that your sexual side desires. This is a safe space for your sexuality & I will help you make it look however you would like. 

The Purpose

Sexual Essentials LLC is here as an advocate for you. We are here to increase the knowledge, pleasure and desire for amazing sexual experiences. This means more than ‘we just want to get you laid more’. It means we are here to promote the acceptance and discussion of healthy sexual appetites. We offer nonjudgmental guidance to help our readers take control of their sex lives, instead of merely watching it go by. Our goal is to increase pleasure, passion and the will to stop letting sex be the taboo and elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss. Sexual Essentials LLC is a safe space for you to become the sexual being you’ve always wanted to be; because if you don’t discuss it, how can you really be in control of it.